• CPR meets the standards required by the FAA and the US Army Corp. of Engineers and many other state, local and federal agencies.
  • CPR meets and/or exceeds all parameters and requirements contained in the following:

  1. FAA Engineering Spec. 44
  2. FAA Engineering Spec. 44 A
  3. FAA Engineering Spec. 44 B
  4. The former Engineering Brief P-629
  5. The new Brief P-632

MSDS sheet, product data sheet, testing and additional supportive technical materials and data are available upon request.

CPR Asphalt Rejuvenator and all of its components are MADE IN AMERICA

Company Profile


A New York State Corporation


Founded: 1986

CEO: Robert S Ward

Areas of expertise:  Chemical restoration of asphalt and concrete. Innovative materials and processes for the asphalt industry.

MADE IN AMERICA                                     


Technical Specifications

CPR Asphalt Rejuvenator has been applied to over 200 million square yards in the U.S. and Worldwide.

It has been accepted and utilized on airport runways, taxi ways, aprons, roadways, and commercial asphalt lots with very positive, long-lasting results.

Conditioning Pavement Rejuvenator CPR™

Asphalt Rejuvenator